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Raison D'Etre

Choose the version you would like to add to the shopping cart. This page will stay open so that you can add more products to the cart! All tabs are $4.50 USD!

Click the button at any time to see the contents of your cart:

Bittersweet - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Cachination - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Complex Emotions - Guitar - ( Music + TAB, no solo )
Complex Emotions - Bass - (music only)
Debut Solo - Concert + (Gambale Tuning) TAB, no solo
Debut Solo - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Foreign Country - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Kaanapali - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Kaanapali - Bass - ( music only )
May The Fourths Be With You - ( Guitar + TAB, no solo )
Melodique - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Melodique - Concert+(Gambale Tuning) TAB, no solo
Monkey Wrench - ( Guitar + TAB, no solo )
Monkey Wrench - Bass ( music only )
Smug - ( Guitar + TAB, no solo )
Table For One - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
Table For One - Bass ( music only )
Two Minutes B.C. - Concert + (Gambale Tuning), no solo
Two Minutes B.C. - (Gambale Tuning) Guitar TAB only, no solo
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